Tuesday 17 February 2009

Why I love the Co-op

I've just been emailed by the wonderful co-op, updating me about a new ad they are running this Feb (09) http://www.co-operative.coop/aboutus . I think I can boast that I am probably one of the co-ops biggest fans and I think it's about time it shed it's old-lady, old-fashioned, village-shop, claire-in-the-community image. First the shops are small and easy to access - there isn't the plethora of unnecessary choice that you see in Tesco. A choice that's designed to bamboozle and make you psychologically confused and unhappy (see Prof Barry Schwarz's research on the negative effects of too much choice). They have lots of small stores within communities rather than giant out of town shopping cathedrals. Secondly, the quality of the food is excellent - their own brand products are highly recommended and their fruit and veg quality is high (compared to the mouldy, tasteless crap at Sainsbury's). I simply cannot recommend the co-op highly enough - they are ethically unrivalled and no I'm not being paid by co-op, it's branding just happens to chime with me. What marketers would call a 'love mark' for me. Check it out for yourself. It's probably changed since you last visited.

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