Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Thanks you notes - just say 'no thanks'...

Apologies before I even start for the Bah Humbug! nature of this post - but I just have to express how much I have come to loathe 'thank you' card sent by post. I hardly ever receive interesting things by Royal Mail - usually just a few red bills, some letters that were meant for the previous occupants of my house and a couple of takeaway pizza menus. So the excitement when one receives a hand-written, what looks like a letter. A letter! Full of news from a friend I've not heard from in a while, maybe? Or perhaps it's an invitation to a party? I'm getting excited as I open it. Or maybe it's a cheque? It looks like an expensive, beautifully designed card - and inside it just says ... 'thanks for the present you gave me.' Could there be a more tedious and disappointing message in the post. It's nice to says thanks for presents - but a quick text or email will do the trick - and I wouldn't be deluded into thinking it was something more exciting. Bah Humbug!